Hi there. My name is Alvar, sometimes using the nick oxzi, sometimes not. By day, I am a software developer. At night or during downtimes, I also develop software (what a downer), tinker around with Unix-like operating systems (mostly Linux-based, especially NixOS, or OpenBSD) or go out into nature.
After sitting on the idea to write something on the WWW for almost a decade, and having some drafts lying around for almost as long, I recently entered my blogging phase. The hopefully coming posts may reflect my interests loosely listed above.
Technically, Hugo converts a collection of Markdown files into this blog, using the minimal etch theme with some small modifications for my taste. The output is being served by OpenBSD httpd(8).
Feel free to email me at log
Otherwise, you may reach me under the nick oxzi
in both the hackint and libera IRC network.
Privacy Policy
All content on this website is static. There is no login, no comment box, not even cookies.
The web server generates access and error log files, allowing me to analyze bugs or worse. Each log message contains the timestamp, the client’s IP address, the requested resource, and the web server’s status code. These files are being rotated and each entry is removed after four weeks.
Because of the site’s static nature, I cannot identify anyone based on these logs, but I can use them to respond to certain events (I don’t want to say attack or even cyberattack, as it sounds cringe).